
The English expression 'to canvas something' tells us it is to curtain, haze or obscure.

It is not my intention to hide anything within my paintings. In the art world of yesterday and today there are many ideas and given thoughts that may obscure the viewer already.

My paintings pose the challenge for the viewer of thinking about painting on canvas itself.

I arrived at this way in painting after reflecting on the material – size, stretcher, support and shape. My fascination arose in following the quite naive question: How does a painter use their materials?

For me it's a natural occurrence of a process just by the simplicity of putting paint onto a linen or cotton cloth and then watching how it works. How does the paint dry? How does the way of positioning the canvas on the ground, easel or wall effect painting itself?

They are what they are.

 The question I ask myself isn't what is seen in a painting or what somebody would say of a painting but it's the painting itself.


Theory: Bildertafeln


Practice: Drawing